TUMULT.space is an as an active interface linking to an archive of ideas investigating the understanding of space, a subjective, intuitive mapping of spatial representation concepts that serves as an archive of artistic projects. Ideas cluster into a dynamic skeleton that changes its structure according to new input and connect to the projects archive whose visualisation is determined not by artistic genres or categories but by the ideas they contain. Tumult.space aims to become a non-exhaustive database that reflects typologies of thought and identify tendencies in artistic approaches to spatial perception. We start from the premise that space is not a given fact but a sum of relations, thus we are looking at space in its manifold, often superposing aspects: public, intimate, mental, social, real, virtual, reflecting a multitude of perspectives on the understanding of lived space. The project involves an on-going research but it also has an open call communicated through an urban micro-interventions platform illustrating some of the key ideas of the archive. Thus, the online archive has an offline counterpoint in the Tumult.space urban micro-interventions series. As a launching theme, we chose the affective perception of public space, translated in projects that explore subjects such as the appropriation of public spaces as cohabitation space, green interstitial spaces transferring a kind of spatial justice to grey areas of the city, or perceptions of superposing spaces, intimate-public, real-virtual, physical-imaginary, natural-artificial.
TUMULT SPACE 2018 micro-intervetions:
SECRET POETRY (light and poetry installation by Mugur Grosu) | 19 May – 18 June 2018, Blocul Liric, Bucharest | Poems written by their author with UV paint are unveiled to the passers-by as they walk on their proximity, while in the absence of passers-by they go back hidding in the walls. The performance was launched with a concert by experimental music band Upanishadows.
ORGANIC CONSPIRATION (organic matter installation by Nicolas Triboi) | 12th of June – 12 July 2018, Bucharest Botanical Garden | The reintegration of green spaces is a vital subject for Bucharest, a city in the top of the most polluted cities in Europe. The installation proposes a new perception of nature in the public space, integrated in the constructed space of the city. We propose a prototype for an urban furniture module, a bench that can integrate books for passer-by to read and have a moment of peace hidden by its branches.
ULTIMUL ETAJ (photographic documentation project by Ștefan Tuchilă) |12th of June 2018, Bucharest Botanical Garden | The green spaces of Bucharest are paradoxical, some of them are a major impediment for real-estate developers as well as for some public authorities. The green spaces constantly diminished after ’89 but the remaining nature found ways to infiltrate and even form natural delta on a neglected area of Bucharest. Thus, in spite of constant irresponsible management of public space, viewed from the top floor, the city remains predominantly green.
OTHER WAVES (experimental electronic music by Micleușanu Mitoș, collaboration: Alexandru Patapics) | 12th of June 2018, Bucharest Botanical Garden | Micleușanu mixes environment sounds with personal hermetic sound compositions, generating moods and activating bizarre spatial perceptions. He gets rid of theoretical rigours and uses music to break sensorial and technical limits, turning music into a language of deep spaces, where the line between personal and collective space is blurred.
HYBRID SENSORIUM (responsive installation by Saint Machine) |12th of June 2018, Bucharest Botanical Garden |A hybrid organism reacts in real time to the rhythm of your breathing and tries to adapt it to its needs, offering digital content in exchange for oxygen.
A TUMULT OF WORDS (new media experiment by Saint Machine, programming Sorin Olexiuc, texts: Svetlana Cârstean, Vasile Leac, Dan Sociu, Micleușanu Mitoș) |12th of June 2018, Bucharest Botanical Garden |The project is a playful conversion of poetic codes to a new media experiment exploring the spatial character and dynamics of words. We borrowed a tumult of words from Romanian poets Svetlana Cârstean, Vasile Leac, Dan Sociu, Micleușanu Mitoș, and rearranged them into digital space mantras. Using the speed of hand motion an QR codes as metaphors, the project is a critical commentary on the way the channel of communication might influence the artistic content and depersonalisation.
PULSE > BUCHAREST (3d animation by Lucian Sandu-Milea) | 16th of June, Sandu-Milea Studion, Vasile Lascăr 39, Bucharest | The animation deconstructs heavy historically charged buildings and areas of Bucharest, recomposing them into living structures and connecting conflictual spaces both physically and emotionally. It is an approach to space in its social, hystorical and political aspects reflected in the architectural dimension.